
2 min readMar 22, 2023

Sigmund Freud once said “One day in retrospect, the years of struggle will strike you as the most beautiful”
One day you’d wake up with a smile in the same bed your heart broke
One day the parts of you that were broken would be a muse for your healed soul
One day the memories would be a testimony to how much you’ve grown
Leave the past to a slow decay
At the rise of a new day
Such monuments shall be overgrown
How much one can love;
We know not for life’s unknown
But your being is thine own
Fuelled by the ecstasy of euphoria
Amidst a place of stone
Where the wild flames aren’t timid and the presence is grandeur like a meteor shone
The facade then dwells alone
And whispers in an inquistrial tone
But stands powerless as the highest hope of pride and power hath flown

Sigmund Freud also said “Out of your vulnerabilities will come your strength”
Your fear of abandonment would flee in the face of isolation
To choose growth over company would sever energetic vampire connection
Your capability to love would revoke all powers of rejection
You see that you’re finally free from the Matrix incarceration
You are what you are because you have been what you have been
A Phoenix that had risen
From the wild flames that you were left to burn in
Ineffable joy on the sweetest countenance
Mused to inspire confidence
Exorcised from the lingering of Limerence
Attention and intention in your allurance
Esoteric enigma of arcane importance
No longer paying insurance on reassurance




I write about the absolution of love and the dissolution of the soul.